8-Days to Rethink Your Thinking ~ A Devotional for Husbands (Digital Download)

8-Days to Rethink Your Thinking ~ A Devotional for Husbands (Digital Download)

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How do you think about your wife? Are your thoughts in line with God’s Word? Any time we choose to come into alignment with God’s Word, there is power activated in our lives. This 8-day devotional helps you bring your thoughts about your wife into alignment with God’s Word in Philippians 4:8

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How often have you said to yourself, “I shouldn’t be thinking that”?   Not that often is my guess.  If I was a gambling man, I would put big money on, if you did have that thought, it was already after a bad thought had taken place.  I don’t know many men who could pass that test.  The good news is, with a little practice, we can get pretty good at thinking about what we are thinking about.  A lot of it has to do with preparing your mind with the right words. 

I read a book (in all honesty, part of a book) called, “Atomic Habits,” by James Clear.  One of his main points was we are to make big changes by starting with little changes.  I took this to heart because we can all make little changes – even me.  When we build on little changes, a little here and then a little there, eventually a big change has been made.  It goes something like this:  I decided to make my bed before I leave the bedroom each morning.  Small change – no problem.  Then, while I was making my bed, I added the practice of saying the Lord’s Prayer.  These two became a combo habit.

“That is a great story Steve, but what has it got to do with thinking about thinking about my thinking?”  Great question!  Each morning as I make my bed, I ask the Lord to direct my words and direct my thoughts.  And so, part of my prayer goes like this:  “God is going to provide for me today (my daily bread).  Better times are coming (on earth as it is in heaven).”

Now that your jaw has dropped in amazement, the next question is, “How do I know what to train myself with?”  Fortunately for us, what Paul wrote in Philippians 4:8 lays it out so clearly it cannot be missed.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”   Philippians 4:8 NASB

This is as good a jumping off place as any.  Over the next eight days, we will take a look at each of these through the lens of being a better husband.  Hopefully, after these eight days, you will be a little better at telling your brain what to think, and we will all be better, more godly men and husbands.